What is Garagefit?

Before we dive into GarageFIt, I think its important to talk about how I got here Firstr

  Let me give you a brief history of how I got here and why I’m trying to sell you the best online program in the market for garage gym athletes. So, my journey into health and fitness started many, many years ago when I was 14. I convinced my dad to buy one of those all-in-one universal gyms because my neighbor had one. My neighbor had one, and out of nowhere, he turned into a track star. He went from couch potato to track star in a matter of months. So, long story short, I needed to start lifting too, to shave time off my 100-meter sprint and finally beat Alfonso again. Isn’t that what every 14 year old wants, to be faster then their friends.

  That all-in-one gym might be the single greatest influence on my life. From there on, I was hooked on anything lifting and fitness-related. I fell in love with the feeling of trying to better yourself through fitness and health. For the next 20 years, I would digest ANYTHING that had to do with fitness and health. I read every book, watched every YouTube video, and listened to every podcast. I immersed myself in every training discipline there is: bodybuilding, powerlifting, triathlon, and CrossFit.

  This passion for pursuing my own fitness goals led me down a path of wanting to help others achieve theirs. I started personal training in some capacity back in my early twenties, and from there, ended up opening my own CrossFit gym. Once I sold my CrossFit gym, I always knew I wanted to get into the online fitness space, but I could never figure out the right space. I didn’t just want to come in and give the same old fitness shtick and the same product that everyone else was doing. That’s until GarageFit.

So What Is Garagefit?

  GarageFit is dedicated to developing top-tier training programs tailored for garage gym athletes worldwide. The crux of our approach lies in crafting exhaustive regimens that cater to the unique needs of this niche community. When we refer to our programs as "comprehensive," we are emphasizing the thorough consideration of myriad variables that impact training effectiveness. It's not just about repetitions and routines; it's about honing in on the nuances of movement execution, sequence optimization, overall physical strain, individual recovery patterns, nutritional habits, stress management, and beyond. Our mission to create the ultimate comprehensive training program for garage gym athletes was underpinned by integrating all these elements meticulously.

Our program doesn't only cater to garage gym athletes but also resonates with individuals aspiring to unveil their healthiest, happiest, and fittest selves. Designed to harness the equipment typically found in an average garage gym, our programming eradicates the need for constant exercise substitutions due to equipment limitations. This keen focus on equipment specificity is complemented by strategic training methodologies strategically integrated to maximize equipment utility and enhance workout efficacy.

Benefit of garagefit

  Once I sold my CrossFit gym, I found myself in a kind of limbo for a couple of years. I maintained my routines of eating right, prioritizing sleep, and working out—things I'm sure you're also trying to do. However, I knew something was missing. Burnout started to creep into my life; my training lacked direction, and although I ate healthy during the week, I found myself making deals with my weekend diet. I think many of us fall into this category, and frankly, there's nothing wrong with that. I was generally healthy, looked relatively good, weighed around 175-180lbs with 13-14% body fat, and could hold my own in any triathlon or CrossFit event at a moment's notice. BUT, I knew I was leaving something on the table, so I finally decided to rededicate myself to training with a purpose and prioritize the four variables that this program revolves around: FITNESS, NUTRITION, STRESS MANAGEMENT, and SLEEP.

I thought I was always taking these into account to some extent, but it wasn’t until recently that everything went to the next level for me. The changes weren’t drastic, and they weren’t that difficult to implement either. The perfect analogy I can give is like putting a level on your newly hung picture frame and realizing it's just a tad off-center. All it took was a small adjustment... and perfection. It didn’t take long for these small changes to turn into major shifts in my overall well-being. My body started to change, attaining a look that I hadn't achieved in over 20 years of weightlifting. I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve looked as good as I do now at the age of 36.

With this newfound energy and body, I thought to myself, “Okay, I have something here that I need to share with everyone.” It wasn’t until now, when the timing was right, that I decided to get back into fitness and health. I finally had something that I know can make a meaningful impact in people's lives.

Is this PRogram for you ?

  Buying anything on the internet can be scary, I get it. Any time you’re putting your hard earned money into something you want to know if it’s worth it. I can say with great certainty that putting your money into your fitness and health it always worth it. I’m not just talking about this program, there are tons of great programs out there that are worth your money. But investing in yourself, investing in your health, and investing in squeezing every drop of potential you have in this life is always worth the money in my opinion. “ A healthy person has a thousand wishes, an unhealthy person only has one.”

  So, now that we have decided that investing in yourself is worth it, the next question you need to answer is , Are you leaving something on the table? When it comes to your own fitness and health routine, like mine, have you been going through the motions ? For a lot of us, we can fall into this trap of going through the motions, and phoning in our workouts. Like I said, there is nothing wrong with that. You can live quite a happy life, and not know you’re leaving anything on the table. THATS UNTIL YOU FIND OUT WHTAT YOU”VE BEEN MISSING. This is speaking from my own expierence, but after I went through this program, made the small changes to my diet and routine, and seen the results for myself. I cant help but think what the heck I was doing for the last 10 years. I was living just slightly off, like the crooked picuture frame, that just needed a small adjustment.

Are you ready to achieve your healthiest, happiest, fittest version of yourself ?

Whats included in the program

  • 20+ Pages of nutrition, sleep,

    stress management, and fitness



    6 days a week , weightlifting +conditioning workouts.


  • Hypertrophy focused workouts to transform your body


    Instructional videos to guide your workouts.


    I will hold you accountable, and provide feedback.


    Sweating over a lifeless PDF is so last year. Everything you need right in front of you, all through an app


    A facebook group with other commited Garagefitters


  • Barbell,

  • Weights,

  • Dumbbells,

  • Squat Rack, and

  • Bench


  • Pull-up bar,

  • Booty Band,

  • Bands


  • If you’re tired of doing the same routine

  • If you’re tired of going into the gym without a plan

  • If you feel stuck in your workouts and nutrition

  • If you feel like you’re leaving something on the table

  • If you want a program that is tailor made for YOU

Woman’s Sample Week

Garage Glutes Program

   Three full body workouts with a heavy emphasis on building the legs, especially the glutes. As well as 3 programmed conditioning workouts to increase work capacity and transform your body.

  • Prescribed Tempo

  • Prescribed Reps in Reserve

  • Detailed breakdown of the movement and execution.

  • Proper progression from week to week

  • Video demonstration

Male sample week

Fit to Fittest Program

  • 4 days of programmed lifting.

  • lower/upper split.

  • 3 days of conditioning to make you look and perform like a machine.

  • Hypertrophy focused to pack on muscle.

  • ALL with your own home gym

   The great thing about following a program is that you're almost guaranteed results. A lot of the time when we’re working out alone, especially in our garages, we are just going through the motions, not really knowing if we're improving from week to week. If we aren't trying to improve from week to week, we can’t expect our body to change. There is no such thing as staying the same; we are either getting better or we’re getting worse.

The great thing about fitness is it’s a great metaphor for life. Always trying to improve ourselves to become a better father, mother, husband, wife, or friend. Signing up for a 12-week program is not only a good way to transform your body and mind in 12 weeks, but it also helps build momentum for months to come. It can show you what you’ve been missing in your workouts and in your fitness and health routine

Small handful of past and current GarageFIT athletes.

  • Jaimie, 47 years old

    I've been working out for over 20 years and I can honestly say I experienced the best results from the GarageGlutes program

  • Dan, 32 years old

    This program is exactly what I needed. I loved how everything was laid out in front of me. I just needed to worry about showing up and training hard

  • Kim, 48 years old

    I loved seeing the changes to my body, I never knew results like this were possible in my garage gym.

  • Dallas, 28 years old

    The program is the real deal, I considered myself a fit guy, but the conditioning kicked my ass

  • Connie, 54 years old

    Results, Results, Results......I can't thank Mike enough for making this program

  • Larry, 58 years old

    The program was amazing, but the real value was in the E-book

There is so much more to fitness then your workout program

   You didn't think you were only receiving a tailor-made workout program designed to maximize your home gym, promising almost guaranteed results did you ?

NOOO NOOO NOOO……….There is more

   That's why I've compiled over 20 pages of tools for nutrition, sleep, and stress management that you can apply to completely transform your life.

Choose your Program

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